

Sunday - 8:45 AM Sunday School-Adult/Youth-----worship service 10 am

Children/Youth Ministry

Come and join us on Sunday mornings @8:45 am for age appropriate bible lessons and activities where your children can experience a FUN packed hour of learning about Jesus and His walk as well as drawing and making items to show our time and talents that the Lord has provided to us.

Every Sunday,  Wendy Brzezinski and/or Dennis Pelisek will do a theme for the Youth Ministry during the 10 am Worship Service.

Nursery is provided during the Worship hour.


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The Children/Youth Ministry of Murrells Inlet Presbyterian Church

We want all of our children/youth to grown in Jesus Christ and to learn how to be a young disciple of Him. We have designed our children/youth ministry to deepen understanding of the greatness of our God, and to give encouragement in the pursuit of godliness. Check out our events page to see any upcoming events for the youth of Murrells Inlet Presbyterian Church.

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