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                                                                                                                        The FALL FESTIVALS 

                                                                                                             Map to our Ultimate Future

Maps show the way to your destination. The Bible lays our annual observances that point the way to human destiny. Doesn't it make good sense to plan your life's journey by learning how to read the genuine biblical map? Article by: Jeroid Aust

       Long before GPS and modern maps, people still needed directions and created representations of their place in the world. As John Noble Wilford wrote in THE MAPMAKERS: "Before Europeans reached the Pacific, the Marshall Islanders were making stick charts. Sticks were lashed together with fibers to depict prevailing winds and wave patterns; shells or coral were inserted at the appropriate places to represent islands.  When a Tahitian communicated his knowledge of South Pacific geography to Captain Cook by drawing a map, it was clear that he and his people were quite familiar with the map idea."

             "Pre-Columbian maps in Mexico indicated roads by lines of footprints. Centuries ago Eskimos carved accurate coastal maps in ivory, the Incas build elaborate relief maps of stone and clay, and the early Europeans drew sketch maps on their cave walls." (1981, pg 7).

     Cartographers agree there is something fundamental about the map idea: "It is a basic form of human communication...indeed, the term MAP is often used metaphorically to explain other types of knowing and communicating. In everyday conversation, the word MAP is used to convey the idea of clarification: someone maps out a plan or maps out his future" (p.13).

            Could there also be a map of sorts, a set of symbols in progression, to show us all where our lives are ultimately going? Yes, and it's found in the Bible-not just in its overall teachings but in sequence of observances God has commanded, His annual feast or festivals.

             Sadly, mainstream Christianity has basically ignored the basic biblical map leading to salvation and "penciled in" traditional pagan symbols instead, such as substituting holidays like Christmas and Easter for God's revelatory Holy Days.  When you misread a map, a miss is good as a mile. 

            No wonder humankind has consistently run into biblical dead ends of taken frustrating and confusing religious detours-rather than following the road to eternal life. Let's briefly explore God's symbols, His annual festivals in the autumn that mark out and point the way to immortality in God's coming Kingdom.

                 Besides His weekly Sabbath, our Creator has revealed seven (7) annual festivals starting in the spring, each one depicting some great event in the ongoing mapping of God's salvation for humankind. However, this particular article will focus on and highlight only the four (4) festivals that occur in the late summer and autumn of the year (in the northern hemisphere).

                    Each represents a decisive turning point in human history. The previous three (3) spring festivals of Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Pentecost signify and represent personal responses to the working of God in the people He calls and chooses during this age of man. The Bible calls them the first fruits of God's salvation.

                                                                        The Feast of Trumpets maps the arrival of Jesus Christ

                     The first autumn festival is the Feast of the Trumpets. This biblical festival helps us understand why Jesus Christ must return and reveals how and what He will do when He arrives. It also reveals what happens to His true followers, both those who are still alive and those who are "dead in Christ," at His coming.  Both are transformed immediately to immortal children of God ( 1 Corinthians 15:22-23, 42-44, 50-53). Jesus gathers His elect ( 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17), who will afterward follow Christ when He descents on the Mount of Olives (Revelation 19:14; Zechariah 14:4).

                     When the Feast of Trumpets was revealed to God's nation Israel (Leviticus 23:24), Trumpets were, as they still are, symbols indicating an alarm for war. Israel often blew Trumpets to alert its army and regular population that battle was imminent. Consider the trumpets that were blown when God instructed Israel to conquer Jericho (Joshua 6). A blowing of Trumpets signaled imminent battle.  The book of Revelation likewise shows blowing of trumpets in preparation for Jesus' return. The fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets is loudly sounded in Revelation chapters 8 through 11, where the seven (7) trumpets blasts serve as the prelude to the seven (7) plagues of Revelation 16.  The Feast of Trumpets symbolizes the return of Christ, the most pivotal and well-mapped-out event in all of human history. When Christians celebrate the Feast of Trumpets, they are in a sense acting out in advance a great symbol of their salvation. 

                                                                              The Day of Atonement maps Satan's removal

                   The Day of Atonement focuses on the future removal of the devil and his cohorts, powerful evil spirits unseen by the naked human eye, called demons. As agents of deception and baleful influence, they have been misleading mankind since the Garden of Eden (Revelation 12:9). The fa that many today doubt the existence of evil spirits demonstrates the success of the deception. Many biblical passages reveal that Satan is intricately involved with humanity at large. Recall that when the devil offered Jesus Christ the kingdoms of the world, Jesus did not dispute his rule over mankind. "Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, "All these things I will give You  if You will fall down and worship me" (Matthew 4:8-9, emphasis added throughout).

                    The apostle Paul tells us that Satan is the God of this world and that he has blinded the minds of all humanity ( 2 Corinthians 4:4). He began his deception of mankind with our first parents, Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1-6; Romans 5:14-15).  Thankfully Satan's destructive work will cease. Christ will remove the devil from the human realm for a thousand years at His return (Revelation 20:1-3; compare Romans 16:20). This Major event is mapped out or symbolized by the Day of Atonement. Christians observe this unique biblical festival by fasting, drawing close to God and acknowledging their total reliance on Him (Leviticus 23:26-32; Acts 27:9).

                  The reason God is going to remove Satan and the demonic realm from the human sphere is very clear: They are at the heart of all human troubles, pain, suffering, war and death. Without the destroyer, peace can break out on the earth (Isaiah 14:4-7). Only then can humanity continue on the road to God's peace and prosperity. The Day of Atonement keeps the path open for all humankind to experience the wonderful world tomorrow, the coming Kingdom of God! That time is symbolized by the joyous Feast of Tabernacles, the next stop on the road maps to eternal life.

                                                          The Feast of Tabernacles maps universal peace and prosperity

                The Feast of Tabernacles, a seven (7) day celebration, is strongly symbolic of the great destination for humanity on the road to universal peace and prosperity. Yet that destination cannot be reached before the previous ones. A specific and orderly sequence of benchmark events must take place for humankind to arrive safely at its ultimate destination. There are no shortcuts.  By way of a brief review, the Feast of Trumpets heralds the return of Jesus Christ, where He resurrects the dead in Christ and changes those Christians who are still alive ( 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; 1 Corinthians 15), and begins to remove all tyrannical governments (Revelation 11:15-18).

               The next destination in God's master plan of salvation is, as we saw, the Day of Atonement, where Christ removes Satan and incarcerates him (Revelation 20:1-3). Only then can peace break out on earth (Isaiah 14:7; 11:1-9). This leads to the next step as represented by the Feast of Tabernacles, when Jesus will rule as King over all nations for 1,000 years. Today Christ's disciples who understand the meaning of the symbols of God's step-by-step map of salvation observe the annual Feast of Tabernacles in anticipation of mankind's great future.  Throughout the earth, humanity will rejoice in unparalleled peace and prosperity. War, violence, deception, famines and all the other insoluble problems that plague making today will disappear (Isaiah 11:1-9; Micah 4:1-7). This war-weary earth will become a new Garden of Eden, beginning at Jerusalem and then spreading to all nations (Ezekiel 36:35; Zechariah 14:16).

                                                                               The Eighth Day maps salvation for mankind

           During the autumn festival season, yet one (1) more major event follows the Feast of Tabernacles. This destination on the biblical map that Christ has reveals to His saints has astounding meaning. It figuratively show the destination of all human beings who have ever lived from Adam's time to Christ's second coming.  It's called the Eighth Day or Last Great Day, following the seven (7) days of Tabernacles. "On the Eighth Day you shall have a holy convocation....It is a sacred assembly, and you shall do no customary work on it." (Leviticus 23:36).

             Keep in mind that as an ordinary road maps has the appropriate symbols to depict the reality of destinations, so has God given symbols to show the reality of His major goals for humanity. God's people are instructed to observe the Feast of Tabernacles for seven (7) days, with the first day being a Holy Day (verses 34-35). Following on the Eighth Day, is a final festival that represents the opportunity for salvation for all human beings who have ever lived without knowing not really understanding God's truth. This involves a general resurrection to physical life, at which time Jesus Christ and His reigning saints will reveal the true path to salvation. Let's notice two (2) significant passages in Revelation 20 that help us understand this symbolic festival: "But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished" (verse 5). "Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away....And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books" (verses 11-12).

              True understanding will be given to the masses of past ages, who will then have their first opportunity  to repent and change. It is a time of judgment because these human beings are then judged or evaluated by Jesus Christ in mercy and compassion over a period of time ( 1 Corinthians 11:31-32), not yet immediately sentenced. Another notable passage is found in the oft-misunderstood prophecy of Ezekiel 37. The valley of dry bones represents the whole house of Israel, all twelve (12) tribes (not just the Jewish people), who lived and died with no apparent hope. At this time, Christ will resurrect all human beings, Israelites and gentiles alike, all those who have ever lived and who never really knew God. They will be resurrected to physical life but offered His Spirit and the hope of salvation they never had (Ezekiel 37:11-14). Though some will ultimately reject God and be lost-destroyed in a lake of fire (Revelation 21:8)- most will embrace Him and His ways, joining the saints in eternal salvation.

                                                                              Jesus' return symbolized by the Fall Festivals

                 The four (4) autumn festivals can rightly be compared to great milestones for all of mankind, mapped out in advance by God in His Holy Bible. Each one comes in its own order and proper sequence, just as following an ordinary road maps from town to town leads to a physical destination. But with God's map, the end result is the salvation of humankind.  Most people today do not know or understand how to read and study the Bible. During this age of confusion, God's people are given the understanding to follow His map of the future leading to eternity with Him.  The grand ultimate destiny of humanity is to become immortal children of God the Father, younger brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ, living and serving in the New Jerusalem on a new earth and throughout the universe forever and ever (Revelation 21-22; Hebrews 2:8; Deuteronomy 4:19). Understanding God's plan and purpose revealed in the pages of the Bible constitutes the map that the people of God now follow in earnest. However, with the God-given ability to read His map of salvation comes responsibility. Those who have the knowledge of God, sprinkled throughout a darkened global society, should rejoice in these festivals and help show the world Gods' way and His path to salvation for mankind.

                                                 Article taken from the September-October 2024 issue of BEYOND TODAY


                           The Church Needs your blessings

What would you think if you gave someone a gift and then later you found out they never even bothered to open it?  It was just sitting in a corner of a messy room at home, still wrapped.  How about if you discovered that they didn't even keep it--they took it home and tossed it in the trash?  You'd be hurt, wouldn't you?  Especially if you thought long and hard about the perfect gift and were excited to see your friend open and use it.

          Brothers and sisters, Jesus triumphed over Satan, ascended on high, and gave gifts to all of His friends (Ephesians 4:8), and yet many believers have never bothered to open their gifts.  Some have refused to accept them outright.  Others have taken them and then, more or less, tossed them in the wastebasket.  You see, every time a person repents of their sins and receives Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, the Lord Christ gives them a spiritual birthday gift.

          A spiritual gift from the Lord is not just any old gift. It's not some bargain-basement, last-minute, generic present.  God gives His children gifts that are perfectly designed, perfectly suited, and perfectly fitted for each recipient.  Each one is tailored made.  That is why it is such a tragedy when a gift goes unused.  You see, Jesus is the conquering King--victorious over Satan at the cross.  He came and set the captives free--you and me and all who come to believe in Him--and, drawing us into His victory parade, He has distributed to us the spoils: a spiritual gift for which He paid a colossal price.

          Because we have each been given at least one unique spiritual gift, no one Christian can do the work of another.  That's how God willed it. This is how God decided the church should function. It is such an important matter that the apostle Paul addressed it at length in three different places:  Romans 12, I Corinthians 12-14, and Ephesians 4

          When the church--that is, the body of Christ--does not have everyone exercising their spiritual gift, it is an unhealthy body.  It is sick and decaying.  So, when we pretend our gifts don't matter, or when we believe we don't have to minister with our gifts, we neglect to participate in the good and needed works God has prepared for us to do. That's why the church of Jesus Christ is in the mess it's in today.  We have churches with thousands of people who behave as spectators.  They have become an audience rather that a fully functioning body. 

          The Bible says that we believers will give an account for every idle word we've ever uttered (Matthew 12:36).  Let me tell you something: the part of Scripture sends shivers down my spine because I know I've said many words I now regret. But think about this:  if we will give an account for every word we've uttered, how much more will He hold us accountable for the use of the gifts that He has given to us?

          Too often, people come to church and think.  What can this church do for me?  That is the wrong question.  That is a self-centered, worldly question.  What we all ought to be asking can I use my spiritual gifts to serve the church and build others up in the faith?  Friends, that's where joy is found.  This is how "we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the head?" (Ephesians 4:15)---that is, Jesus Christ.

Taken from the Journal of Leading the Way Organization June 2024


                                                                                                                 How to Grow a Healthy Church

A healthy church is a growing church- it's automatic.  All living things grow if they are healthy.  You do not have to make them grow-they grow because is is natural for living, healthy  organisms to grow.  God has blessed my wife and me with three wonderful children.  My three kids are growing because they are healthy.  Not one time have I stood over their bed at night and commanded them to grow.  All I have done is provide an environment conducive to growth and remove obstacles that would inhibit growth.  As a result, they have grown naturally.  If my kids don't grow, something is terribly wrong.  It indicates an unhealthy situation or possibly a disease.

The church is no different.  It is a natural for churches to grow.  Jesus call the church "My Body."  A congregation is a living organism- not an organization.  It is a body-not a business.  If it is healthy, growth will come naturally.

The key for health and growth is balance.  In the physical realm we must have a balance of proper nutrition, exercise and rest to be healthy.  At church, we keep our balance by filtering everything we do through our mission statement, which can be summed up in three words: win, train, and send.

                    WIN people to Christ.  We believe in "every member" evangelism.  Spread the gospel at home, work, school and in your neighborhood.  Share the ABC's of salvation with them.  Admit your sin, Believe in Jesus as your Savior, and Confess Jesus as Savior and Lord.

                    TRAIN believers to become disciples.  The church I pastor is dedicated to training people to Christian maturity.  This is accomplished through small groups and Sunday School classes.  We were created to become like Christ and this only occurs when we practice discipleship. 

                    SEND disciples to impact the world.  God has called each of us to be the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world."  The church must be dedicated to sending people for their mission "possible"- to go out into the world and fulfill God's plan for their life.

Healthy, lasting church growth is multidimensional.  In order to fulfill our mission, keep "balance on the ship" by building the church around seven key areas-the seven "ships" of the church.

                    WORSHIP- God-exalting worship is one of the most important aspects of church life.  God must be glorified, Christ must be exalted and the Holy Spirit must have freedom to minister.

                    FELLOWSHIP- God formed you for His family.  Churches must do more than love; we must become an "intensive care unit" for people-constantly offering care-"people caring for people."

                    DISCIPLESHIP- Bible training that leads to Christian maturity is the goal, to become like Christ in all things.

                    PARTNERSHIP- It must be our goal for every member to become a minister.  That is, each of us must use the gifts and talents God has blessed us with to minister to others.  We can do so much more when we "partner together" in ministry.

                    FRIENDSHIP- One of the more effective ways to reach lost people is by befriending them.  We must reach people where they are and bring them to a full relationship with Jesus Christ.  Only then can we experience true growth through evangelism of our community.

                    STEWARDSHIP- Recognizing that God owns everything (our time, out talents, our treasures), we must become faithful in all that we manage.

                    LEADERSHIP- To effectively reach people for Christ, we must raise up spiritual leaders who enthusiastically support God's work.

Church growth is the natural result of church health, but church health can only occur when our message is biblical and our mission is balanced.  Each of these seven New Testament mandates must be in equilibrium with the others for health to occur.

If growth is ntot happening in your church, you should ask: "What is keeping our church from growing?"  Your job is to discover all the restricting barriers so that natural growth can occur.

Sometimes we look at growing churches with a mixture of confusion, jealousy, and even resentment.  We wonder why some churches grow and others do not.  Instead of rejoicing over the fact God's Kingdom is growing and lives are being changed, we criticize and make inaccurate assumptions about growing churches to justify our own lack of growth.

A common complaint is that to have a growing church you must compromise your convictions, cater to current trends and water down the message.  The truth is just the opposite.  People are hungry to hear the truth that will set them free.  They want to be challenged to sacrifice for something bigger than themselves.  They are searching for purpose and significance.

It is interesting that Jesus always attracted large crowds.  The Bible refers to them as "multitudes."  Jesus had a magnetic characteristic to His ministry.  I believe that a Christ-like church can still attract multitudes of people.  You do not have to compromise your convictions or weaken the message.  All you have to do is minister to people like Jesus did.

Why did large crowds flock to Jesus?  Jesus did four things with the multitudes: He LOVED them, He MINISTERED to their needs, He SPOKE THE TRUTH in love and His TEACHINGS had life applications.  If you do these things, you will have a healthy church and attendance will be the least of your problems.

This Article was adapted from CONTACT magazine. July 2003. Writer: Reverend Will Harmon, Cavanaugh Free Will Baptist Church in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

This article: July 19, 2024, taken from the InTouch Devotional.

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