MIPC Newsletter - Th


Sunday - 8:45 AM Sunday School-Adult/Youth-----worship service 10 am


"Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior"   

~Habakkuk 3:18

a Blessing message for the month of september

the difficulties we face come from one of three sources.  some are sent to us by the lord to test our faith, others are the result of satan's attacks, and still others are due to our own sinful choices. which of these three causes is the hardest for your to bear? 

Most of us would probably say the last one, because we have nobody to blame but ourselves. after all, the word of god says we will reap what we have sown (galatians 6:7), so we see nothing ahead except a painful harvest. this kind of thinking fails to take into account the lords' redemptive abilities.  he never promises to remove all the consequences of sin, but he can use our failures to teach us to fear and obey him.

god often uses our own mistakes as tools to get our attention. he won't let his beloved children get away with sin, because he knows that would rob us of blessings, opportunities, and character refinement.

as painful as your situation may be, express gratitude to your heavenly father for caring enough to send his loving discipline. now it's up to you. how will you respond to his correction? when we learn from experience, the scars of sin can lead us to restoration and a renewed intimacy with god.

Taken from the In Touch Devotional 

If you would like to be a part of the soundboard, weekly on-screen worship presentation and LIVE STREAMING, please see Cathy Manley. 
We are in need of a few extra hands to help out.  Training will be soon!


The deacon's had a busy month! Jen Lombardo moved to minnesota and a gap was left not only in the deacon's, but also with the choir, chimes and treasurer position. she will be sorely missed!  

there was a celebration of life reception and services here for scott fahrenbruck who passed away the 4th of july in india where he was working. thanks to all those who helped with the set up of tables, food management and take down. 

 the deacon's are also doing communion at home for those who can't make it to church. if interested in having communion at home, please call the church.

we also continue to send cards to the shut ins and those with birthday's and anniversaries! please let us know if you would like to become a dedicated deacon to this great church.

if you would like to donate flowers, they will be taken to our shut ins as we visit them in their home.

Help is always needed!

Thanks to all those who help with the maintenance and up keep of this church! You dedication is so much appreciated!   
We are always in need to help for filter changing, trees and shrubs trimming, power washing, flower care and much more! 
If you are interested in helping, please see Al Smith or Richard Wilson, or just come to the working meetings, help the 2nd Friday of each month at 1:00 pm.


Our next Arts and craft fair is Saturday, September 21st from 10 am until 3 pm. Once again...we will need the help of our great and faithful bakers! Thanks to all who gave the last time and we certainly look forward to some "new dishes" and some of your favorites!  There will be about 60+ vendors with also food trucks and the PI Band playing at 1 pm, so bring your lawn chair and a friend. Lots to see and do. If you would like to help with the baked good, table, parking the cars and other small duties, please sign up.  There will also be knitting items for sale. We are always in need of help with set-up, parking, manning tables and tearing down and set up for Sunday. Let us know if you can help. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall starting September 1st.

November 16th will be the final Arts & Crafts Fair for this year, and we are looking to go out with a BANG!  This will be a great opportunity to get some Christmas gifts for the family, friends, co-workers and others! This event will be all about the Christmas holiday....so save up your money and go shopping! October and November's newsletter will have more info.

Do you knit, crochet or have a craft to share?  Please join the "Stitch and A Prayer" group on Tuesdays at 1:00 pm in the Conference Room, where we meet for fellowship, laughter, and create homemade items that we sell at the Craft Fair.

There will be a class on how to finger knit a chunky blanket! This class will be September 27th at 6 pm. Materials needed to bring with you are 2 skeins of chunky knit yarn and to be sure your fingers are limber and ready! Pass the word along about this upcoming class. You may be able to complete a blanket to sell at the Arts & Craft Event in November! The class will be approximately 1 hour.  Refreshments will be provided. 

Speaking of chunky knitting....at the Arts & Crafts Fair will be blankets of all colors and sizes for sale! Also will be at the November event as well. If interested in one for a Christmas gift...let Mary know as soon as possible!

Please continue to help support the Food Bank by contributing non-perishable items. Our goal is 2100 pounds. In August we received a little over 85 pounds of food. The total to date is 1,132 pounds.  We are 1/2 way there! Keep up the good work Pick up your bag(s) on the 1st Sunday in September and bring it back on September 8th. The food collected will be delivered to the Food Bank on the morning of the 9th. 

Be sure to check out our Facebook page for the church. “LIKE”, “FOLLOW” and “SHARE” when on there! It helps the church to become a presence in the community and it could encourage people to attend our wonderful church! Also, be checking our website at www.mipcpresby.churchspring.org for upcoming events and happenings in the church. When you are LIVE STREAMING...be sure to LIKE, FOLLOW and SHARE on there as well…when you do it promotes the church! Thanks!

If you know of someone who would like to use our Fellowship Hall for a meeting or an event, please call the office during the hours below and someone will help them. This also brings in extra income for the church.

Office hours at the present time are Monday through Wednesday 9:30 am until 1:00 pm, and Thursday and Friday 9 am until 11:00 am. If you need help after those hours, please call the church at 843-651-3751 and leave a message, someone will return your call within 24 hours.  If you would be interested in helping out in the office, please let Mary know.  Thanks!

Note: There is a comment box in the Narthex if you would like to make suggestions.

If you have any ideas of guest speakers for our Coffee Chat time on occasion, please let the office know. There are many services out there and we want to make sure that our congregation is aware of them.   Speaking of Coffee Chat…if you would like to help with the goodies at the Coffee Chat, please sign the sheet in the Fellowship Hall. Your goodies are appreciated and will be enjoyed by all!  We are working with  the local Assisted Living to come talk to us at the Coffee Chat about respite care for possible a loved one or a neighbor who may need a little break or recuperating at home.   

UPCOMING:  Life Line Screening- Wednesday, October 23rd from 9 am until 4 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Appointments only. For more information, call 440-773-9489 and speak to a Debbie Walsh.

Thank you and may God Bless each of you!

Mary Warrington and Darlene Bittner

                              The Nursery is available for the children

                                             during the Worship Service!

Music monthly messenger


                                                                      If you would like to use your music talent for God, we have a place for you in the Choir! 

We meet each Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 pm for an hour.  Our practice now will be consisting of music for the upcoming Christmas season, with a small Cantata planned.  Chimes will start back to a regular schedule on September 9th at 10:30 am. If you would like to be a part of this group, please contact Iris Neal-Sirmon.

                     Harpist Rebecca Nissen will be part of our Sunday service on September 22nd with her special harp talent! Come out and bring a friend!


Dave & Juanita Basham, Gretchen & Jim Brahm, Scott & Vikki Fahrenbruck, Crystal James, Genie & Ed Keegan, Jennifer Meka, Roy & Shirley Messervy, Norma Moore, Dennis Pelisek, Marilyn Proniske, Ann Riker, Sharon Rousseau, Veronica Seitzinger, Woody Simpson, Germaine Smith, Shirley Traveny, Carson Turner, Bob & Annette Tully, Janie Turbeville, and Gary Williams.

Your MIPC prayer warriors consider it a privilege to pray for you. If you are need of prayer, please ask. God always listens and we are always available to lift you up in prayer. Please contact Annette Tully (843) 215-4636.


                                                                                        bob croucher                    september 14                                                                                                                                                                                         vikki fahrenbruck               september 14                                                                                                                                                                                               annette tully                    September19                                                                                                                                                                                                   cathy finkle                    september 30

                                                    "happy anniversary"

Bob & Veronica Seitzinger-September 15th 

Pete & Wendy Brzezinski-September 26th

Sunday, September 1st 8:45AM - Sunday Morning Sunday School, Adult & Youth

                                               10:00AM Communion Sunday Worship Service: Pick up FOOD BAG.

Sunday, September 8th - Sunday Morning Sunday School, Adult & Youth.  Bring back your filled FOOD BAGS. 

                                                     Rev. Frank Holsclaw will be in the Pulpit.

Sunday, September 15th - Sunday Morning Sunday School, Adult & Youth. 

Sunday, September 22nd -Sunday Morning Sunday School, Adult & Youth.

                                                     Rev. Frank Holsclaw will be in the Pulpit.

Sunday, September 29th- Sunday Morning Sunday School, Adult & Youth.

October Newsletter Deadline 

We'd love to share your news! Anyone can submit a story, some news, a celebration! The deadline for the October newsletter is September 22, 2024. Please send to: Church email at: mipc@sccoast.net.

Any questions, please feel free to email or

call (843) 651-3751

Thank You!

Plan your visit